
Friday Mar 06, 2020
When Gus Met Jesus
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
There are a lot of great stories out there. Star Wars. Marvel. Harry Potter. And then there's the Bible. Why should people care about it when there are so many other options for stories? And what makes Scripture different?
On today's episode Andy & Derek explore narratives, how they make meaning, and what it means for the Church to embrace people's stories of God breaking into their lives.
Thanks to Jason for listening & calling in on our hotline for today's episode.
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry" is out March 17, 2020. Pre-order today and save 40% by visiting this link:
Call our hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a question. If you give us contact info we'll also send you a free book as a thank you!
Featuring Dr. Andrew Root with Derek Tronsgard.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
God Speaks!
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Does God still speak to us today? Can God break into the secular world?
These questions haunted the Swiss theologian Karl Barth, and an experience early in his ministry shaped the way he saw God breaking into the secular world. Later, the German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer would wrestle with these same questions.
In today's episode Andy tells the story of a young Karl Barth and how his understanding of God's revelation to humanity might be the missing link for a Church in the secular age.
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard.
Call our new hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a comment or question for the podcast. Leave your name and an e-mail for a free book!
Andy's new book, The End of Youth Ministry(?), comes out March 17th, 2020.
For more information on Andy's Bonhoeffer class in Germany this summer, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTk7fYCvHko

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Crunched by Numbers: Growth, Burnout, and Resonance
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
In the modern age society and the Church are obsessed with numbers and growth. The downside is that this a quick path to burnout, exhaustion, emptiness, and depression.
Sociologist Hartmut Rosa thinks that the answer to this speeding up is finding resonance in our lives and relationships, and Andy thinks this is a valuable lesson that the Church needs to hear.
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard.
Call our new hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a comment or question for the podcast.
AND - if you leave us your e-mail or phone number at the end of your question we'll reach out & send you one of Andy's new books as a thank-you. What a deal!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Ok Boomer! Generations, Time-Keeping, and Wisdom
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
For centuries the Church kept time and looked backward - emphasizing the wisdom of the generations that went before.
Now, we've shifted. We're obsessed with looking forward and finding "the new".
Join us this week as we explore what this means for the Church and for our own lives.
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard.
Call our new hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a comment or question for the podcast.
Giveaway BONUS! If you leave us your e-mail at the end of your question we'll send you a free copy of one of Andy's new books.

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Outrage, Recognition, and Why Twitter is Ruining the World
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Andy thinks that recognition and identity mixed with outrage and Twitter is ruining the world. He might be right. Join us this week as we talk politics, religion, and other things you shouldn't discuss in polite company.
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard.
Call our new hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a comment or question for the podcast.

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Slow Times Killed the Youth Group
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Youth Group just isn't what it used to be. Why is that? And what does it have to do with Stranger Things, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and the Age of Authenticity?
Find out today on New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard.
Call our new hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a comment or question for the podcast.

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Why Prayer Feels Weird
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
New Time Religion is back from Summer Vacation!
In today's world prayer can feel awkward, weird, and disjointed. Turns out there's a reason - and it's called the "immanent frame".
Dr. Andrew Root and Derek Tronsgard talk about what the immanent frame is, how it shapes our world, and why prayer is just the thing to bring back some meaning and mystery to our lives.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Wealth, Fame, and the Good Life
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
What does it mean to live the Good Life? Is it wealth? Fame? Recognition? Or something else entirely?
Dr. Andy Root & Derek Tronsgard hash it out after some inspiration from the Amazon documentary "Generation Wealth".
So what does it mean to live the Good Life? And what does it mean for the Church?

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Bill Murray Woke Me Up
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Modern life is hard up. Trying to keep up in the Secular Age leaves us numb, without meaning, and asleep at the wheel. Thankfully, Bill Murray is here to wake us up. But what does this mean for the Church?

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Identity and the Thing
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
There are a lot of other things competing with the Church. Why are people choosing other "things" over church? Why is finding your thing in the Age of Authenticity so important? And how can the church respond to it all? Andy Root lays it all out in this week's episode.