Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Cobra Kai & Taylor's Triangle
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
It's a karate episode for Christmas!
Dr. Andrew Root has been watching Cobra Kai lately and sees a big connection between the evil dojo & Charles Taylor's triangle of Humanism vs. Neo-Nietzscheanism vs. Transcendance.
And, truth be told, this Taylor's triangle reaches far beyond Netflix 80s revival shows. Join Andy & Derek as they hop on zoom for a socially distanced new episode.
As always the listener hotline is still open. Give us a call at 651-800-1089 and we might use your question in a future episode.
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root produced and edited by Derek Tronsgard.
Monday Nov 16, 2020
What Do Pastors Do All Week?
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
What do pastors do all week? In the world of the Immanent Frame - where the only thing that matters is what you can touch and see - this question doesn't have a great answer.
What does ministry look like in a secular world with the immanent frame? How can waiting for God to act actually be the faithful response? And where does Karl Barth fit in to all of this?
Find out as we socially distance on Andy's deck discussing this and more on this episode of New Time Religion.
Also - the listener hotline is still open. Give us a call at 651-800-1089 and we might use your question months from now!
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root produced and edited by Derek Tronsgard.
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
The Church Has Left the Building
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
We dig into the mailbag again for a great question on the Church and buildings. Do we need them? And do we do when the local church closes down and becomes a Chili's? Or a Boston Pizza if you're in Canada...
Join us as we socially distance on Andy's deck discussing this and more on this episode of New Time Religion.
Also - the listener hotline is still open. Give us a call at 651-800-1089 and we might use your question months from now!
New Time Religion featuring Dr. Andrew Root produced and edited by Derek Tronsgard.
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
The Gift of Doing Less
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
We've opened up the listener mailbag to answer a question about how to actually "do" the stuff Andy writes about in his books.
This leads Andy to reflect on how often, "doing stuff" is the problem.
Join us as we grill brats on the deck, discuss what German philosophers would think about Michael Jordan, and discover the gift of simply "being" in relationship.
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
COVID in the Age of Authenticity
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
We've been living in this pandemic for a while now and Andy thinks our culture's response to it is a product of the Age of Authenticity.
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry?" is out now. Check it out via Amazon or on the Kindle Store.
The New Time Religion hotline is open at 651-800-1089. Call to leave a question for a future episode!
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Secular Spectacular
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The story of how we arrived in the Secular Age is a fascinating one, and on today's episode Andy shows how the Western world went from Secular 1 to Secular 2 to Secular 3 and what it all means for the Church & ministry.
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry?" is out now. Check it out via Amazon or on the Kindle Store.
The New Time Religion hotline is open at 651-800-1089. Call to leave a question for a future episode!
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Duty and Obligation
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Why are some churches heavy on duty and obligation while for others participation feels optional?
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry" is out now. Save 40% off the cover price via this link: https://direct2church.com/products/end-of-youth-ministry-9781540961396
You can also order it on Amazon & the Kindle E-book Store.
The NTR hotline is open at 651-800-1089. Call to leave a question for a future episode & leave us contact info to receive a free book as a thank-you!
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
The End of Youth Ministry
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Derek talks to Andy about his new book "The End of Youth Ministry" which is out now.
Order it today and save 40% by visiting this link:
You can also order it on Amazon & the Kindle E-book Store.
The NTR hotline is open at 651-800-1089. Call to leave a question for a future episode & leave us contact info to receive a free book as a thank-you!
Featuring Dr. Andrew Root with Derek Tronsgard.
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
The Virus Took the Future
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
A lot has happened since our last episode. Join us as Andy covers the COVID-19 pandemic, the new world wide slow-down, how the future is changing, and how the Church responds.
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry" is out now. Pre-order today and save 40% by visiting this link:
You can also order it on Amazon & the Kindle E-book Store.
The NTR hotline is open at 651-800-1089. Call to leave a question for a future episode & leave us contact info to receive a free book as a thank-you!
Featuring Dr. Andrew Root with Derek Tronsgard.
Friday Mar 06, 2020
When Gus Met Jesus
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
There are a lot of great stories out there. Star Wars. Marvel. Harry Potter. And then there's the Bible. Why should people care about it when there are so many other options for stories? And what makes Scripture different?
On today's episode Andy & Derek explore narratives, how they make meaning, and what it means for the Church to embrace people's stories of God breaking into their lives.
Thanks to Jason for listening & calling in on our hotline for today's episode.
Andy's new book "The End of Youth Ministry" is out March 17, 2020. Pre-order today and save 40% by visiting this link:
Call our hotline at 651-800-1089 and leave us a question. If you give us contact info we'll also send you a free book as a thank you!
Featuring Dr. Andrew Root with Derek Tronsgard.